Where: THE WAREHOUSE - Event Space by IT Quarter

When: 31/05/2024 - 01/06/2024

Tickets: From €30

Duration: 1h 30m + Discussion

Language: Russian / Ukrainian


About the event:

Four performers unfold an encyclopedia of modern life at breakneck speed, discovering that the answer to the question "who am I?" lies beyond the limits of available words. Ivan Vyrypayev's reading performance and the following discussion will take place at the Warehouse Cultural Cluster in Russian and Ukrainian with the English version of the play provided by request.

Event Dates:

Event Day Date Start Time Venue Tickets:
MAHAMAYA ELECTRONIC DEVICES (CITF) Friday 31/05/2024 19:00 The Warehouse by ITQuarter
In Russian
MAHAMAYA ELECTRONIC DEVICES (CITF) Saturday 01/06/2024 14:00 The Warehouse by ITQuarter
In Ukrainian
MAHAMAYA ELECTRONIC DEVICES (CITF) Saturday 01/06/2024 19:00 The Warehouse by ITQuarter
In Russian

More about the event:

what happens: Four performers sit, stand and change places in front of a big screen. At breakneck speed, they exchange questions and answers from the deepest realms of human life -- science, politics, family, drugs, sex, religion -- in such a way that cognitive overload sets in almost immediately. By succinctly sketching the complexity of the world, they attempt to answer the question "who am I?" But this deafening hour-long meditation makes it clear that the answer to that question lies beyond language.

that you will feel:

Eleutheromania (greek, ελευθερομανία) - An intense, irrepressible desire for freedom.

Dépayser (French) - Disorientation; not necessarily unpleasant (e.g., a pleasant sense of strangeness from being in a foreign country).

Resfeber (swedish) - Travel fever/bug; the feeling of excitement and nervousness experienced by a traveller before undertaking a journey.

what you need to know: This is a new play by director and playwright Ivan Vyrypayev, who combines his interest in theater with spiritual practices. With this almost universal text, the team has already produced versions of the play in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Romanian - clearly demonstrating the ability of a cultural object to transcend national boundaries. Vyrypayev's work is unique in that it first makes you think intensively and then feel intensively.

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