NOEL! - A house full of Christmas

NOEL! - A house full of Christmas

NOEL! - A house full of Christmas

Где: The exact location will remain secret until the day of the performance and will be sent to the audience via text message.

Когда: 02/12/2023 - 07/01/2024

Билеты: €12

Продолжительность: tba

Язык: Greek


О мероприятии:

What's behind the mansion door at number 42?
What makes this house unique in the whole world?


Noel arrives with a suitcase at the entrance of a beautiful mansion. When the door opens, a new world unfolds in front of him; a world which will change his life. Above all, however, he meets people who remind him of the true meaning of Christmas.

A sweet Christmas story, a theatrical experience for young and old.

The exact location will remain secret until the day of the performance and will be sent to the audience via text message.

Дополнительная информация о мероприятии:

Director: Eleni Anastasiou

Creative idea & script: Stavros Stavrou

Set design & costumes: Constantina Andreou

Visual communication: Katerina Tseva

Cast (in order of appearance):

Antreas Koutsoftas

Yiolanda Christodoulou

Ioanna Keravnou

Savvina Georgiou

Thanasis Drakopoulos

Guest stars:

Constantinos Vassiliou

Anne Maria Assou

Chrysaleni Assou

Singer: Semeli Lazarou

Piano for the track “The first Noel”: Andreas Michalopoulos

Produced by Stavros Stavrou


December 2, 3, 9, 10

January 6 & 7

16:30, 18:00, 19:30


A mansion in old Nicosia. The exact location will remain secret until the day of the performance and will be sent to the audience via text message.

Tickets: 12 euros

Information: 70008242

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Ticket Sales

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